Humans are also 98% genetically identical to chimpanzees. That 2% difference matters a lot.

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What will be the future of the races going forward? Will increased migration and communication around the world blur all racial differences that have developed evolutionarily up to this point and lead to a single "average" race, or will racial separation persist for any number of reasons?

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As always, another well-thoughtand reasoned, gem of an essay!

To use a mathematical metaphor, I guess we might say that some differences are linear and others non-linear. Some set in motion positive feedback loops that stimulate other variations too I'd bet.

+ I offer a few questions to ponder: How does one quantify what constitutes a significant variation from one that's not? The degree to which it changes what other parameter(s)? What parameters would we choose to be relevant-meaningful to measure?

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You present the distinction clearly. Surely it was also understood by Lewontin when he published his deceptive conclusion. "real, functional terms" and the genetics thereof is what matters to societies, and to the adaptation of vicariant populations of animals or plants. It is amazing that so many evolutionary biologists were silent about Lewontin's sleight of hand.

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